What We Do

What We Provide...

Business Pastoral Care / Chaplaincy

Clergy in the workplace can help to build faith, hope, guidance, and stability for the individuals within the business.

We provide a presence in the breakroom or designated area for personal, or group counsel, encouragement, and care.

This is done through setting up designated times through-out the week for employees to receive spiritual, emotional, and personal care.

Donation's are greatly apricated for this service.

Reach Out

Personal Counseling

Need help for..


-Personal Hardship

-Grief / Bereavement

-Life Skills

Donations are greatly apricated for this service.

Reach Out

Special Events

Need Clergy for...



-Special Event

Recommended donation of $300 - $900 for a wedding; includes pre marital counseling sessions if desired.

Reach Out

Small Group Gatherings

Time of Worship, Bible teaching, and Prayer.

Anyone is welcome to attend.

No sign up necessary.

Tuesday Nights at 6pm.

 When you might "Reach Out"? 

-In Times of spiritual, emotional or personal hardship.
-In the event of critical incidents affecting the workplace.
-In need of clergy to lead or assist Weddings, Funerals, or even special events. 

Talking with Clergy can help to build faith, hope, guidance, and stability for the individual and the business. 

What to Expect from The Mercy  Ministry?

1. Trained and Professional
2. On-site and Off-site sessions for personal needs.
3. Care during Crisis (death, hospitalization, and jail visits)
4. Help for Addictions (chemical, or behavioral) 
5. Network of Care (local agencies ) 

All of our care and contact is confidential and is permission-based.

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