Dear Mercy Ministry Supporter,
We wanted to thank you for your donation to the Mercy Ministry this past year. It has been a challenging adventure, but very rewarding! Over the last year we have been able to assist and present the gospel to over 500 individuals. Many of those individuals were touched with the love and care of the Lord Jesus for the first time.
Over 500+ Individuals Personally touched with the Love of Christ.
This world can be really dark. Therefore we have had opportunity's to let the light of the gospel shine. We have been sharing the love of Christ by doing free giveaways, while presenting words of encouragement and hope that is in Jesus Christ. This is just one example of some of the outreaches we have done at local parks.
Our Focus
If your business or organization would like to have a Pastoral Care Chaplain to support your business or employees, feel free to "Reach Out".